5 Benefits of Leasing Industrial Uniform Program (As Opposed To Buying)

Industrial Uniform

You are here because your industrial company needs a uniform program, but you are still determining if you should lease or buy those uniforms. This article aims to resolve this dilemma by explaining when leasing is the best way out instead of buying.

But first, what does uniform leasing or renting entail? In this case, instead of buying uniforms for the employees, a company signs a leasing contract with a uniform provider who will supply the uniforms, replace old ones and repair damaged ones when needed. The provider may also provide weekly laundering services.

An industrial uniform leasing program is when an industrial company contracts an agencyto deal with the issue of uniforms.

Here are 5 benefits of the industrial uniform leasing program:

1. Cost Effective

It can be expensive having to buy new uniform for each employee, especially if the industrial company has a high employee turnover. Think of an industrial company where many and many employees keep resigning for whatever reason, and new ones have to be recruited and given new uniforms.

The logistics involved in getting new uniforms for each new employee can also be time-consuming. This means that the business owner will spend much time dealing with uniform issues. However, a uniform rental program will ensure billing remains consistent each week. When an employee resigns, they are removed from the program at no cost. A new employee will also be given a new uniform at no extra cost.

2. Efficient Cleaning of Heavy Industrial Stain

Many industrial uniforms get heavy stains, from oil spills to grease spills, which can damage the uniforms. Where the employees do the washing themselves, they may not wash the uniforms properly. However, a uniform rental program with laundry in the contract will wash the garments to meet the highest standard while saving the employees from the trouble of having to wash off heavy dirt that could damage their residential laundry machines.

3. Quick Replacement of Lost/Damaged Garments

Uniforms can be damaged in the line of duty. They can even get lost. However, this should not mean the work stops because the employee with a damaged garment cannot report to work. With a uniform rental program in place, lost or damaged garments will be quickly repaired or replaced respectively.

4. Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Authorities lay out regulatory requirements for industrial wear. Garments for particular workplaces must meet specified criteria. For instance, industrial workwear is generally made from highly visible and fire-retardant materials.

The contracted uniform rental company will ensure the uniforms are tested to meet the national or international regulatory requirements for the safety of the employees. The business owner will not have to worry about these health and safety regulations and can then focus on more important matters.

5. Consistent Company Image

Since there will be no reason for an employee to wear a damaged or worn-out uniform, the company will present a consistent image of tidiness and cleanliness throughout the week. Every team member will be in the right uniform. This will boost not only the company image but also staff morale, leading to improved productivity.


As you can see, leasing an industrial uniform program comes with strong benefits. You can now decide if it’s the best way for your industrial business. You should choose a company committed to maintaining the clothes as far as possible, with as little occasional inconvenience. For instance, the weekly picking and delivery should run as per the schedule without hitches.

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